Monday, August 3, 2015

Why do I teach?

Why do I teach?

...because I only have to work from 7:30 to 3:30 and get my entire summer off. Ha! 

*Please note the sarcasm in the above statement.

Let's be honest. Very few teachers ever get the entire summer free. There are workshops and conferences and lesson planning and researching and setting up a classroom and so much more...

Anywho - Rant over.

So seriously... Why do I teach? 

I teach because I love working with children. They're fun to work with. They're usually brutally honest. They let you know if they love you. And they let you know if you're being stupid and need to check your attitude :)

I teach because I love learning.

I teach because I love seeing a kid who's been struggling for a long time finally have that lightbulb moment.

I teach because I have the chance to be an advocate/voice for those who cannot be so for themselves.

I teach because I want to help my students find their way in this big, and sometimes scary, world.

I teach because I love a good challenge. 

I teach because I love to prove people wrong when they say a certain child cannot learn. 

I teach because I want to open my students' eyes to the world outside of their often limited view.

I teach because I love school supplies. *Just kidding.

I teach because I love getting to know a child, finding out his interests and how he best learns, and then combining those to teach him in a way that gives him the best chance for learning.

I teach because I love to inspire my students.

I teach because my students inspire me.

I teach because I want my students to always feel loved and encouraged.

I teach because I love the thought of impacting the future leaders of our world.

I teach because it's my heart. It's my passion. It's my calling.

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