Friday, July 24, 2015

Teachers are learners too.

I've been at a teacher's conference all week and I've observed quite a bit. Here are a few of the "lessons" I've learned...

Put a group of teachers together and they'll talk far more than their students ever do.

Offer teachers free pencils, highlighters, mouse pads, or just about any other office supply item, and they'll listen to you forever!

Place shelves of brightly colored picture books right by the entrance and you're guaranteed to have every elementary teacher stop and shop.

Offer candy as an incentive and almost every single teacher will visit your booth (at least once). 

Teachers love a good goody bag.

*Notice a trend? :)

Anywho. Back to the lessons...

Think only kids have short attention spans? Try putting a group of teachers in a ridiculously long meeting with no stretch breaks. Then you'll see short attention spans :)

A good teacher always strives to learn more.

Teachers have cliques too. Don't let them tell you otherwise.

A teacher wants to sit by her buddy in a meeting just as a student liked to sit by her buddy in a class.

And if that teacher sits by her buddy, she'll most likely talk during the meeting.

Teachers enjoy potty breaks, snack breaks, and stretch breaks too. So why do so many struggle at providing these for their kids.

I believe almost all teachers would agree that having a nap time everyday would be a good thing.

Ask a teacher why she chose that profession and more likely than not, she'll say it was because of another teacher :)

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