Friday, February 6, 2015

29 Lessons in 29 Years

Exactly 6 months from today I will turn 30 years old. Where did the time go? learning the lessons below, I suppose :)

In honor of my soon-to-be exodus from my 29th year, I've compiled a list of 29 lessons I've learned these past 29 years. 

*I've also worked hard to see how many times I can use 29 in one sentence :)

And now on to the lessons (in no particular order)...

The Bible should be the most read book you own. It should be your instruction manual for life. Read it. Study it. Live it.

Cars include the cruise control for a reason. Use it.

Don't rush through life. Take time to enjoy it.

Take pictures. Keep a journal. Do something. One day your memory will begin to fade and you'll wish you had.

Be kind to old people. That'll be you one day.

No job is too beneath you.

Don't have too much pride to ask for help.

Seek the advice of those wiser than you.

Get out of your "bubble" from time to time. Travel. Explore. 

When traveling overseas, learn at least a few basic phrases. Saying hello or thank you in someone's native language (even if they know English) can go a long way.

Visit/call your parents and grandparents more. One day they'll be gone and you'll wish you still could.

A handwritten letter or card means a lot.

Quality time is often better received than quantity of time.

When visiting someone's home, at least try their food. Unless you have a medical reason to do so, it's rude to totally refuse everything they serve you.

Stand up for what is right in the eyes of God. Even when others around you don't, be strong.

Treat yourself from time to time. If you spend all your time and energy get focusing on others, your own self will suffer.

Want to hear an honest opinion? Ask a child.

Teachers are overworked and underpaid.

The word, "retarded," should be banned from the English language. 

Children with special needs CAN learn - just at a different pace from their peers.

You shouldn't judge all members of a group based on the bad actions of a few.

Work your butt off in high school. Grades DO matter. ...especially if you need scholarships for college.

Money earned is far more appreciated than money given.

Just because the answer was not yes, that doesn't mean God hasn't answered you yet. 

The word, friend, should not be taken lightly. Have a good friend? Cherish them. Value them.

Relax and let your hair down from time to time. 

You must give respect in order to receive it.

If someone you love is living in sin... Love the sinner but hate the sin.

Plans are great. But life rarely goes according to plans.

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