Saturday, January 24, 2015

They have a dream...

In honor of Monday being the day we celebrate him, I dedicated my reading assignments this week to MLK.

And it was Dr. King's famous speech that inspired this assignment, where my students wrote (and read to their peers) their own speech, using the prompt, I have a dream that one day...

I have 13 students and while they each wrote more or less depending on their grade level, the content on each and every one's was AMAZING. 

For kids who typically hate writing, their finished products made me so very proud! They made me so proud that I wanted to share a few here...

I have a dream that one day all men will work together to make the USA a better place. 

Or what about this one? This kid clearly has seen and heard a little too much in his young life.

I have a dream that one day all men and women and boys and girls will be nice. No more shooting or robbing or stealing or fighting. All people will obey the police and not get arrested.

This next one is sweet. 

I have a dream that one day all black and white people will be sweet to each other. We all God's children and we need to love each other.

This little guy's response was good too...

I have a dream that one day all of my friends will be safe. And I have a dream that bad guys will stop doing bad guy stuff. The bad guys will become good guys and only do good stuff.

And my favorite one of all...

I have a dream that one day all mens and womens will be equal peoples. Nobody will be mean to anybody. And everybody will love Jesus.

So what's your dream? Think abouthow  you'd complete the sentence...

I have a dream that one day...

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