Sunday, January 18, 2015



Home? Where is it? 

Is it the house you grew up in? Is it the house you spent your school years in? 

If that's the case, then I have 11 homes.

No, it's more than that. Is it where your family is? 

If so, then I'm home now. During this season of life, I'm living with my parents so I can help them out. That means I  definitely living with my family. 

So I'm home right? 


Umm... Here's the thing...

My heart is constantly being pulled in other directions. We moved around a lot when I was growing up, so I have strong ties all over the state of Alabama and Louisiana. Plus, I have family and friends spread out in all directions - all over the state of Alabama, in other states, and in different countries around the world. 

Then factor in the 5 years I spent living in Dakar, Senegal. That little tiny part of West Africa quickly became home for me. I had my own apartment. I had my ministry work (my job). I had friends - many of whom became more like family. I had my neighbors. I had my ... Well, just everything...

So then fast forward to June 7, 2014. That's the day I landed back in the States. 

I was leaving one home to come back to my other home. 

I was super sad to leave one home and at the same time, I was super happy to arrive in my other home.

I was missing things from one home and reuniting with things from the other home.

My emotions were all screwed up...

And it was at the airport, on one of my layovers, that the song, "Home" by Phillip Phillips, started playing over airport's radio/speakers. I

And I thought about it...


The word, home, cannot be easily defined. 

The word, home, means something different for every person.

The word, home, has a different meaning for me than it does for you.

So where's home for me?

It's the little 2 bedroom, one bath, house where my parents and I live, in Heiberger, Alabama, a town not even on a map.

It's the city of Dakar, Senegal, a city of billions, located in a West Africa.

It's the 11 cities, located throughout Alabama and Louisiana, where I lived growing up. 

It's Alabama, a state known for its southern hospitality and good ol' country folks.

It's the South, a region of the U.S., known for its accents, sweet iced tea, and rednecks.

It's a church where a pastor isn't afraid to preach the truth of God who loves all people but hates all sins.

It's a school, where I'm only 1 of 4 of my own race, yet where I still feel like a member of the family.

It's a crowded market in Dakar, Senegal, where vendors shout out "Good price for you my sister. Come buy nice things."

It's a place I've never even lived, but I know I will one day, since I know God has told me about the family of my own I will one day have.

And most of all...

It's a home I look forward to, a home with streets of gold and most importantly, where my Heavenly Father lives.

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