Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Special Edition Dear ____ Post

In honor of this week being American a Education Week, I thought I'd write a Special Edition Dear _____ Post all about education.

Dear Teaching, For as long as I can remember, you've been the career I wanted. And you haven't failed me. Each year you provide new experiences, challenges, excitement, that make my time so rewarding. I'm proud to be a teacher. 

Dear Lightbulb Moment, You're what I'm striving for daily. I want my kids to learn what they need to in order to have that "lightbulb moment" ...that moment where they finally get something they've been struggling with. 

Dear 7:30 to 3:30 With Summers Totally Free, Ha! That's a joke!

Dear Common Core, Way to stir up trouble. Some people love you. Some hate you. I do find it ironic, though, that the majority of the strong opponents of Common Core don't really understand how you work. 

Dear 3, You're the number of "areas" in which I'm qualified to teach. I can teach Elementary (K-6), Special Ed (K-6), and ESL (K-12). I've taught in all 3 and have loved each one. But I must say... Special Ed is still my favorite :)

Dear Writing Sub Plans, If done well, you require a ridiculous amount of work!

Dear Paperwork, It feels like you are never ending - especially now that I'm teaching Special Education.

Dear Writing IEPs, If done well, you're going to require quite a significant amount of time for me this year.  You're quite the task!

Dear My Kids, You're what I call my students, whether they're mine this year or last year or any other year I taught them :)

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