Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It's more than just a job...

I'm a Special Ed. Teacher. But it's more than just a job...

It's waking up before the sun just so you can get to school early and get some work done...

It's flipping through a book of standards, trying to put the pieces of the "puzzle" together, so your students learn what they need to learn...

It's scheduling your day in 30 minute increments, going here and there and rarely slowing down...

It's helping a student during your planning time because you know she needs the help more than you need a break...

It's writing dictated answers with a highlighter so a child that still has trouble writing letters can actually get her work done...

It's reading book after book on disability after disability, trying to help you learn just a little more about your students...

It's buying toys and candy and stickers to motivate your students to focus and work harder...

It's having meeting after meeting after meeting with students and parents and teachers and principals and other people significant to that child's education...

It's collaborating with teachers, planning the best method of "attack" to best meet the needs of each and every student...

It's realizing that what's fair for one is not fair for all...

It's planning a lesson, using a Smart Board and play doh and Cheerios because a student can't read the textbook...

It's waiting for General Ed. teachers to send you their plans before you can write your own because after all, you're supplementing what they're doing...

It's spending hours on lesson plans, only to realize you need to totally redo them and reteach what you taught last week...

It's spending countless hours compiling notes and data and scores and so much more to write an IEP...

It's knowing what AAA, IEP, LEA, ID, DD, LRE, IDEA, FBA, and so many more acronyms mean...

It's being an advocate for those that need a little extra TLC...

It's taking deep breaths and having lots of patience...

It's remembering that flexibility is key...

And most of all (at least for me), it's realizing it's more than just a job

It's fulfilling a calling from God and following a passion in my heart.

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