Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The 2013 Christmas Vacation Dear ____ Post

Dear Blessing, You're what this vacation has been. I wasn't expecting to be able to come home for Christmas vacation this year, but thanks to an amazing blessing of a gift from some incredibly generous people, I was able to. And you, Blessing, are something I'll never forget.

Dear Health Issues, You're still plaguing my dad. I just wish we could know what all's going on. While I know his doctor needs a vacation like anyone else, I can't help but think... If he were in our shoes he'd be wanting to know what's going on with his loved one too. You know? It's just frustrating...

Dear Memories, You're what I've gotten the joy of making with my family during this vacation. I'm so thankful for and will cherish each and every one of these memories, too.

Dear Family, I've so enjoyed my time with you these past 2 1/2 weeks. I'm so blessed to be able to call you mine.

Dear Christmas Gifts, You were more fun than usual this year because my niece could actually open her own gifts this year. It was so sweet watching her tear open the paper and grin and say "Oooh" at the sight of each one. What a joy that was :) 

Dear The First Daisy/Zizzie Date, You happened last week. You're a new tradition I'm starting with my niece. Anytime I'm in the States, the two of us will go to eat and go do something fun together. It was fun the other day. And I can't wait til she get seven older and can pick what she wants to do or where she wants to go. I so love that little girl!

Dear Today, You're when I'll have to say goodbye to my niece and sister-in-law. Boo :(

Dear Brother, You're driving me to the airport tomorrow since our dad has to work and our mom isn't a big fan of Birmingham traffic. I hope you know how much I appreciate you doing this. I know that you 1) took off work specifically for this and 2) just how much you hate waking up early on an off day. So knowing all of that makes this mean even more to me. Thank you! I love you!

Dear Tomorrow, You're when I'll have to say goodbye to my parents and brother. Boo again :(

Dear Healing, I'm still praying and believing for you to take place in my dad's body. Please happen soon!

Dear Anticipation, You're what I'm feeling over my trip home this summer. Why? Besides the usual being happy at seeing family, I get the joy of meeting a new niece or nephew who will be born a couple weeks before I get home. Yay for new babies :)

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