Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Staff Retreat Edition of a Dear ____ Post

Once upon a time, my co-workers and I went on this weekend long getaway known as Staff Retreat. This edition of the Dear ____ Posts is written with that experience in mind. Enjoy my loyal blog readers. Enjoy. :)

Dear Blessing, You are what I'd consider this past weekend. I enjoyed it all. Seriously, this whole weekend was amazing!

Dear Neptune Hotel, You are so nice and beautiful. You really do feel like a resort.

Dear Delicious, You are how I'd describe pretty much all of the food I ate this weekend. I left every single meal feeling full and satisfied (and happy). :)

Dear Sleep, You were pretty awesome on this trip. I was telling someone yesterday that I slept better during this weekend getaway than I have in a long, long time. What's the difference? 1) I was on vacation. 2) There's just something about falling asleep, bundled up under the covers, and being in a room where the A/C is bottomed out. :)

Dear Blueberries, Who would've ever thought that you could be so funny?

Dear Air Conditioning, I love you so much. You make me cold, which is a feeling I love. You make me sleep better. You allow me the joy of bundling up under covers without making me sweat. I guess it's like the old saying goes... Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well Air Conditioning, I do appreciate you so much more now than I ever did before :)

Dear Swimming Pool, You were a nice, cool break in my hot days. It was nice and refreshing to use you to cool off. And it was also nice to just lounge around on the chairs surrounding you, reading a book, playing a game, or talking with friends.

Dear Staying up to Midnight Playing Games with Friends, You're what I did the past 2 nights. Anyone that knows me knows that's hard for me. I'm soooo not a night person and really start to lose brain function past a certain time of night. Of course that may be why I lost all games I played late at night :)

Dear Retreat Roomie, I had fun getting to know you a little more friend, chatting and laughing with you, discussing the deep philosophical points of life, enjoying the right to turn our air conditioner down as low as we wanted ( 16C or about 60F ), sharing quotes from the books we were reading, and just having fun in general.

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